Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Bible Studies
About The Lord Our God:

The Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ,” by David Terasaka, M.D.

Ephraem the Syrian's writings from the 4th century A.D. show that pre-tribulational teachings were around far before the 18th century.

The works and attributes of God are ascribed to each person of the Holy Trinity.

What is God doing to me? Read friend Lambert Dolphin's “Pot, Potter, and Clay.”
Also visit Lambert's Library with hundreds of Lambert's writings.

There are some things God cannot do even though He is OMNIPOTENT.

A verse study on the compassion of Jesus Christ.

The Lord divided the waters at least five different times!

Names of the Lord.

Seven last statements of the Lord before His death on the cross.

Miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

Some Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Savior-King

Messianic prophecies and their fullfilments - prophecy, a more sure word! (2 Pet 1:16-21)

The Christ of the Bible gives a unique perspective of the Lord Jesus Christ from a Biblical viewpoint.

The Lord through His Word tells us to say this if we fear Him.

My Captain, by Dorothea Day.

God Sent us a Saviour!

Bible Exposition:

The Letters to the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation has some interesting design structure!

The 3:16's of the Bible

The 2:10's of Jesus

Bible Personalities:

Faith's Hall of Fame

Joseph, son of Jacob, as a model of our Lord Jesus Christ.


A journal of my Israel Tour in 1996 with pictures!

Highlights in the History of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount by Lambert Dolphin

The Kings of Israel

Special Passover / Resurrection Day page, with video of the Empty Tomb, Golgotha, Gethsemane, the Upper Room and more, and also audio and text commentaries about the suffering and the resurrection. This link will open a new window and take you to the Blue Letter Bible website.

Historic Creeds:

The Apostles' Creed, from the Textus Receptus (8th century version).

The Nicene Creed, actually The Constantinopolitan Creed (c. 381 A.D.).

Christianity and U.S. History:

The Founding Fathers, What Did They Really Say!

Have you read The Mayflower Compact lately.


Some of the detailed copying procedures the scribes used to copy the Old Testament.

Some great bumper stickers!

A graphical representation of the geneology of Genesis 5.

Some prayers of the Bible.

A slight revision of Psalm 103 to render it as a personal prayer to the Lord.

Excerpts from Charles Haddon Spurgeon's writings, revised a little for modern language.

The famous “Footprints” dream.

John Bunyan's classic book, The Pilgrim's Progress.

The Hebrew Calendar cross-referenced to the Hebrew feasts.

Roman numerals are used in the older texts for scripture references. This file will give you a short refresher.